Kevin Flanagan Quartet – Riprap

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This first CD from the Riprap quartet features compositions by the band setting the works of Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Gary Snyder. The group was formed by musicians who were interested in exploring possible combinations of the Beat poets and jazz. They have been active in working out ways of combining music, text and improvisation. This has now become a collective of musicians and poets, collaborating with writers such as ‘Jazzman’ John Clarke, Ruth Padel and Malcolm Guite, among others. They have been performing in venues such as the Royal Festival Hall for National Poetry Day, TS Eliot Festival, John Clare Festival, Cambridge Festival of Ideas, West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge, Essex University, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Civic Theatre, Boxford Jazz Club, Brighton Jazz Club, Peterborough Jazz Club and the BBC World Service.
Here are two performances with the poet Malcolm Guite, with Andrew Brown and David Gordon:
The RipRap Quartet + Poets:
Malcolm Guite – Jazzman John Robert Clarke – Ruth Padel – Grevel Lindop – Gerry Nicosia – Chuck Perkins- Ronnie McGrath