This is a re-working of one of the sections of the music I created for Jane Turner’s dance piece based on the Gog Magogs, on the Stapleford chalk meadows.. My original music for her dance piece was based on the coordinates of the Stapleford Chalk Downs, just southeast of Cambridge. Jane’s choreography was based on some sketches I sent her by the somewhat eccentric Cambridge-based mathematician and historian T.C. Lethbridge, who, during an archeological excavation on the chalk downs, came to believe he had discovered lost chalk carvings in the side of the gentle hill overlooking Cambridge next to the Wandlebury hill fort.
Unfortunately, no one else has been able to detect them, not unlike his claims to have found secret Nazi invasion markings scratched on various churches and East Anglian signposts. He was such an eminent academic the War Department felt duty bound to investigate his claims, and he thus led a number of chaps from MI5 around small coastal villages for some time, inviting them to closely examine some scratches on a number of village signposts and suchlike. Eyebrows of course rose ever-higher as they marched fruitlessly from one bit of scratched, flaking paint to the next out-of-place stone in a church tower.
This is a very rough mix, part of some things I’ve been working on with the excellent Lisbon-based composer/producer Andre Nascimento. We have been bouncing some stems back and forth in what is hoped to become a larger project. So Andre has radically remixed/recomposed some of the music I wrote for the choreographer Jane Turner and her Magog dance project last year. This is in no way the final form, but just a taster. I’ll leave here for a few weeks and it swap over as and when.
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